Discipline Policy
It is the hope of the Ontario Soccer Association that academies can run effectively and within the spirit of the game. It is however recognized that from time to time issues arise that have the potential to harm the reputation of a soccer academy and soccer in general. To that end Futuro Soccer Academy follows a strict set of Discipline Policies and Procedures as set out by the Ontario Soccer Association (OSA). It is the responsibility of every Futuro members to educate themselves on the OSA rules regarding discipline and appeals. This information can be found on the OSA website at: http://www.ontariosoccer.net/images/publications/2014/governing-documents/Section-12-Discipline.pdf. Academies/Clubs should be aware these guidelines are secondary to any OSA Policies, Rules or Provincial/Federal Law.
Application of this Policy
This policy applies to all Players, Coaches, Referees, Parents, Guardians, Volunteers, Contracted Staff as well as individuals employed or engaged in activities with the Futuro Soccer Academy. This Policy only applies to discipline matters that may arise during of Futuro Soccer Academy business, activities and events including but not limited to, training, activities, events and meetings.
Discipline Committee
House League
The Futuro Soccer Academy Discipline Committee is composed of one Board Member and two volunteers. One committee member must have attended a Discipline Program run by the OSA and is fully qualified to oversee the process.
Competitive Leagues
All the regional, district and provincial leagues have their own discipline procedures. It is recommended that coaches and team officials familiarize themselves with their respective processes. The Futuro Soccer Academy does provide support at the hearing stage and we will do our best to answer any questions that may arise at the team level.
Yellow/Red Cards
Yellow – Two yellow cards in the same game is an automatic dismissal (red card).
Third yellow card in the same playing season results in a 1 game suspension
Fourth yellow card in the same playing season results in no suspension.
Fifth yellow card in the same playing season results in a 2-game suspension.
Red – If a player is shown a red card but has not received any notification of suspension, they are allowed to play until notified otherwise. Match Officials have up to five days to submit a report, and the club has 30 days to act. Do NOT assume that the suspension automatically takes place the following game.
Red Cards & Dismissals
What happens when a player or coach is dismissed from the field?
The Game Official report is forwarded to the Discipline Committee and they decide if charges will be laid;
In most instances, the misconduct can be dealt with using the Discipline By Review system with the Panel relying on the game official report; A decision is reached and the player/coach is advised of the penalty.
Discipline by Review (DBR)
Many routine disciplinary matters impose standard or mandated penalties; thus they can be dealt with under a
DBR system; -
Refer to the OSA Discipline Policy Section 9, Policy 9, Table 5 for "Standard Penalties for Misconduct";
DBR does not require attendance by the parties involved;
The panel will review the case and decide; if a more serious charge is warranted, the matter will be referred to a
hearing (DBH); -
There are NO APPEALS of DBR decisions.
Discipline by Hearing (DBH)
Some disciplinary matters MUST be conducted under DBH (per OSA rules);
DBH requires the attendance of the parties involved; 15 days notice to be provided to the parties by the Club
An accused may be accompanied by an advisor; an accused under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by another adult;
DBH may be held for matters of misconduct involving players, coaching staff, parents, spectators or any other person reported for misconduct;
DBH decisions can be appealed to the next highest level.
Penalties and Notifications
Penalties are applied in accordance with OSA guidelines. Decisions of the Discipline Committee for all matters will be communicated via email and are effective immediately. Probation or Suspended sentences are not permitted.
Immediate suspension from ALL soccer related activities result from the following offences:
Game Official assault
Physical or attempted physical assault of a youth player by a team official or administrator (reported by a Game Official)
Offences of moral turpitude
Hearings - Can they be requested? How? When?
Everyone is entitled to a hearing; it must be requested within 3 days of receiving a dismissal or the DBR system is used;
Requests must be in writing; they can be dropped of at the club, faxed to the office or emailed to discipline@ntsoccer.com; if relying on email, always request a "read receipt";
You will receive confirmation when your hearing will take place.
Hearings -What if I can't (or don't) attend the hearing?
You may request one postponement of a hearing by submitting a request to the Club no later than four days prior to the date of the hearing; You must provide reasons for your requested postponement; If you don't attend a scheduled hearing, you will be suspended from all soccer related activities until a hearing is held; You must then request a new hearing, in writing.
Appeals - Can I appeal if I don't like the decision of the review or hearing?
There are NO APPEALS from a DBR, but DBH decisions can be appealed to the next highest jurisdiction