Player Code of Conduct
It is the mission of Futuro Soccer Academy to PRODUCE Professional, International, and University level players and to provide every player the ability to reach their utmost potential. In addition, we will create an environment, which promotes Fair Play, Honesty and Personal Integrity.
You have been successfully selected to represent the FUTURO SOCCER ACADEMY. You will be judged based on your performances on and off the field of play, throughout the program and you will also be judged as a member of the team. Your personal conduct, both in and out of competition, reflects upon your team’s image and it is your responsibility to
safeguard the reputation and pride of those that you represent.
1. Every Day in Every Way: Our slogan reminds us daily of our core values in the academy. We want to pursue
excellence in all seven pillars both on and off the field at all times in our life.
2. The Player agrees to dress and wear appropriate attire whenever they are representing the academy, and to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will be a credit to Futuro.
3. Respect and consideration must be shown towards the public, volunteers and coaches who are involved in any
Futuro event.
4. Players are reminded that in most instances, they are guests and should always conduct themselves as such.
5. Always shake hands with all academy staff that you come across.
6. The use of tobacco, consumption or possession of alcohol and illegal substances will not be tolerated. Zero tolerance. 7. The Player agrees to follow the home technical training program and home strength program as prescribed by the coaching staff.
8. The Player agrees to maintain a high standard in school and acknowledges that education comes first before soccer. There will be three reporting periods through out the school year where the Player will be expected to hand
in their report card.